Featured Articles

Embracing Technology: A New Renaissance For Non-Digital Artists

The ongoing debate about the influence of advanced technology on the art world has led to divergent perspectives. Some individuals contend that technology undermines traditional artistic practices, while others embrace its capacity to foster creativity and innovation. This article will discuss how cutting-edge technology, as demonstrated by the Da Vinci Eye app, can provide traditional artists with groundbreaking tools to…

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Helpful Tips for Networking in the Art Industry

L’art pour l’art (art for art’s sake) is no more. Today, striving artists face a single choice: integration or isolation. And it’s hard. Today’s supreme vacuum of personal creativity gets intertwined with a corporate-like model of success. An intricate patchwork, to say the least. We now recognize networking as the sole vessel of one’s creative triumph. How popular are you?…

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Distortion and All

Dysmorphic III comments on the psychic complexities of having Body Dysmorphic Disorder. BDD is a mental health disorder in which sufferers fixate on one or more perceived defects or flaws in their appearance — a flaw that appears minor or cannot be seen by others. This preoccupation with an “imagined” defect often leads to isolation and the avoidance of social…

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A Visit With Let’s Curate

Art Business News was intrigued with the concept behind Let’s Curate and wanted to share our findings with our readers. It’s a fun online showcase that presents unique artisanal creations from around the world. It is a collaborative platform, created by founder Meghana Giridhar, bringing creators and collectors together to explore, make, and share all things that are “off the…

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Meet the Gallery: Valentinarte Gallery

Valentinarte Gallery is one of the Spotlight Recipients for Artexpo New York 2023. Get to know the fine art gallery below. Q: Introduce yourself and your gallery — who you are and what is your vision? A: Making our youth dream come true, my husband Emanuele and I opened VALENTINARTE Art Gallery in 1987. VALENTINARTE, since Valentina was the name…

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Meet the Gallery: Lilac Gallery

Lilac Gallery is a contemporary art gallery located in New York City. Lilac Gallery was originally established in 1972 as Lilac Fine Art by Hungarian-born American artist Albert S. Nemethy who immigrated to the United States in 1950 and settled in New York’s  Hudson Valley. Get to know Lilac Gallery, one of Artexpo New York’s 2023 Spotlight Recipients, below! Q:…

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Announcing the Artexpo New York 2023 Visionaries 

As Artexpo New York presents its 46th edition at Pier 36 in Manhattan’s trending Lower East Side, a new addition has been made to the acclaimed fair programming: The Visionaries. Each Visionary is selected by Artexpo’s curatorial team based on three factors: Unswerving representation of artist innovators, consistently bringing forward-thinking cutting-edge art to the fair Articulate and distinctive presentation of…

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