
History and Diversity: Creating Immersive Experiences Using Community Collaboration

While inclusivity is everyone’s business, companies are finally recognizing that it is not optional. In today’s environment, competitive organizations must leverage diverse talent and allow a multitude of voices to shape their perspectives rather than rely on a homogenous narrative. The Black Lives Matter movement has helped our entire society understand the dominant forces of white supremacy that have run…

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The Importance of Social Media Activity For Artist Success

Tips for not getting lost among competitors while finding your own style and audience I have often wondered: What is an artist? No, not an artist only by name, but by his whole being. The artist’s position in society is often uncertain. According to Artsy, in past centuries, an artist was a poor and unrestricted man, hardly understood by those…

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Building Peace of Mind Through Positive Identification

How RFID tracking works to support efficiency and authenticity While art invokes the spectrum of our feelings, art buyers are also purchasing peace of mind because collectors generally trust artists and dealers. Confidence in these transactions is the principal support for valuation, so it’s puzzling that only a small fraction of art sold carries robust authentication. Art crime remains the…

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