Artists know they need to represent themselves with the best content going, but when you’re investing all your time in growing your practice it’s hard to prioritize social media. Yet in the high-stakes art world, digital visibility is essential to growing as a brand, so saving time on creating high-quality gifs and images for your social media is essential. We’ve…
Throughout the career of any artist, the need to talk about your art is always present. Gallerists and curators will want to know why they should work with you, clients will want to know the story behind the art and how your aesthetic fits with what they want, even friends at dinner parties will want a glimpse into what it…
Founding a successful, esteemed art gallery is always a challenge, both for experienced art dealers and first-time entrepreneurs. Between the hunt for funding, promoting your new exhibition space, and attracting seasoned artists and art-literate audiences, a lot can fall through the cracks, making your venture lose money and respect rather than acquire them. Bear in mind that both artists and…
If you want to share your art gallery with the world digitally, you need a platform to do so. In a social media dense world, it can be difficult to narrow down the right site for you. Instagram is one of the best visual platforms out there, with its user-friendly features, photo editing capabilities, and not to mention, millions of…
You have a significant advantage as an art business professional. Your work is engaging, creative, and typically includes a story that will resonate with potential buyers. However, the ball is in your court as to how you choose to market these elements in your email blasts and newsletters when you have an upcoming show. If you figure out how to…
Here are some simple steps to getting the most from your website and absolving any hint of “website shame.”
You know those ugly frames you see in some frame shops? The ones that are covered in dust because they’re so hopelessly unappealing they just never sell? Well, The Framing Place & Gallery has given these little monstrosities their moment in the sun—while also creating a highly successful social media promotion for their business. “You really can’t underestimate the importance…
Did you make big plans for 2013? A few months have passed since our annual turning of the calendar and it’s probably past time for some of us to check in with the goals we casually sketch out on notebook paper. If you’re like me, you’ve got big hopes for your business, but if you want those hopes to become…
Wanted: A marketing event that pays for itself, generates positive, free publicity for a business, and builds name recognition, all while supporting the local arts community. Great news – I’ve found it! Each year, Finer Frames hosts a juried art competition in the spring to build name recognition and highlight the work of many talented local artists. Fifty area artists…
Ordering my usual grande non-fat, no whip mocha at Starbucks this morning got me thinking. Starbucks has built a powerful brand selling a very familiar product, not too far removed from framers selling picture frames. If framing entrepreneurs can model themselves after one of the most successful brands in business, we could strengthen our own companies in the toughest marketplace…