Tag: Art Galleries

The Most Common Misconceptions About Art Galleries

Amid the bottomless champagne flutes and infinite small talk, one may be quick to believe the art galleries’ somewhat stuffy reputation. But there’s so much more to it than meets the eye. Drawing hefty conclusions about art galleries and their owners – especially if they are based on misinformation – only keeps people from enjoying them thoroughly. Today, we’ll separate…

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Intentional Anti-Racism Moves for Art Spaces and Galleries to Embrace and Deploy

“Life imitates art” is a tired adage whose origin can be traced back to Ancient Greece. Oscar Wilde updated the maxim in the late 19th century by saying, “Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.” James Baldwin, whose lived experience was sitting at the intersection of both American anti-Black racism during the civil rights era and anti-LGBT fervor…

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In What Way Has the Pandemic Influenced the Art World?

Certainly, COVID-19 has affected all areas of our daily life. Many businesses, organizations, and individuals have introduced changes in the course of business. The art industry has also experienced many challenges, but now artists, collectors, and connoisseurs can enjoy the art and learn something new. Digital trends in the art and culture industries The pandemic forced all ecosystem participants to…

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Art Market Trends in Response to COVID-19

There is no industry that has gone untouched by the widespread disruption of the coronavirus. The art world, like all other sectors, is quickly grappling with rapidly evolving challenges. Although there is no clear roadmap on how to move forward, the team at Huntington T. Block has seen a few trends among galleries, art dealers, collectors, artists, art fairs, and…

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