Can Art Really Make You Happier?

All communities in history had one form of art or the other. Whether it is music, painting, pottery, or other options, it has remained one of the greatest sources of happiness. Experts recommend an art adventure when you want to relax or heal.

Individual appreciation of art makes it difficult to develop a single conclusion on the value of art in the life of a person. For instance, some people appreciate paintings while others would rather enjoy music. The beauty of such music or painting is not considered uniform. For this reason, there is no agreement yet on the value of art in generating happiness.

That notwithstanding, art is individually pleasant. The enjoyment of music, for example, does not require the approval of other people. Here is how art generates happiness for consumers and creators.

Consuming Art

There are successful artists in the world, each operating in a particular sphere. It means that most of people around the world are consumers of art products like music, paintings, sculpture, embroidery, and jewelry, among other forms. How does the consumption of such art bring happiness? Here are a few insights.

  • Relaxing

Art is relaxing, moving you to a realm of happiness. Think about music and how it helps listeners to calm down. It gets better when you sing along to the verses or perform music prepared by other people.

Teona Swift

Photo by Teona Swift – Pexels

Music is also used as a form of therapy during reflection and yoga. Music relaxes the mind, helping you to deal with anxiety and tough situations in life. In a relaxed state, your mind is calm and can handle tougher situations. If you want to calm down the mind and feel at ease, enjoy your favorite or art.

  • Relieves stress

Art is a stress reliever. Tour a gallery or attend a festival while your mind is bogged down by heavy thoughts. Dance to music or visit an art gallery. You may also paint to express your anxiety and keep the mind occupied so that you do not get lost in negative thoughts.

Music therapy has been in use for years. Kings, patients, and children enjoyed the music during tough times. It will change your mood instantly when you engage in one art form or the other. Luckily, there are no side effects to using art as a stress reliever. Further, you can enjoy a lot of art free of charge.

  • Ignites Creativity

Do you want to be a more creative individual, entrepreneur, or worker? Embrace art and your perspective of life will change. A lot of sadness comes from being stuck with a situation or failure to find solutions. Once you engage in an art like poetry or painting, your imagination limits expand. You begin to see possibilities. What appeared impossible now becomes possible.

Photo by Steve Johnson - Pexels

Photo by Steve Johnson – Pexels

A creative person is a happier human being. You first enjoy your ability to solve problems through creativity. The solutions you provide may also come with monetary rewards. This creativity will also send more information into your brain, leaving you more energetic and innovative. All these are ways of deriving happiness from art.

  • Builds Beautiful Memories

Visiting new places and engaging with people is one way of packing beautiful memories in life. When you dance or tour a gallery, you are building an album of memories that will become a constant source of happiness. During some of these engagements, you participate actively. For instance, you may paint or sing in a karaoke. You experience instant joy and will live with the memories through the years.

  • Keeps you Healthier

A healthy person is a happy person. The reverse can also be true. Once you are happy by engaging in art, you improve the quality of your life, leaving you healthier. Touring beautiful places, participating in art, and engaging people is a great source of happiness.

Participatory art takes the benefit of good health a notch higher. Once you dance for a few hours, the body counts that as physical exercise as well. It sends happiness hormones to the brain, leaving you healthier. Even the avoidance of stress or relieving anxiety through art will count among the contributors of happiness through art.

Art for Artists

Art creators enjoy multiple benefits beyond those of consuming their own art. The process of creation is a great source of happiness. Here are insights on how art will make the creator happy.

  • A form of expression

Artists use their creations to express their inner emotions and situations. For instance, a painter may draw a picture as a form of therapy to deal with emotions and frustrations. It also happens when singers release happy and sad songs to express their current state of mind. Once these emotions are released, the artist remains a healthier person going forward.

  • Takes you to beautiful places

Art will get you to places you never imagined. Examples are the exhibitions happening in different cities across the world. Traveling with your art comes with incredible joy and fulfillment. At the same time, you meet global celebrities, leaders, and icons in different sectors. Such an experience comes with a lot of excitement, memories, and joy. Without art, such an experience would be impossible.

  • Comes with appreciation

The world is made of good people who appreciate beautiful art. Their appreciation gladdens your heart, leaving you happier and satisfied. The satisfaction is only understandable to art creators.

  • Source of income

Art is a source of income. The income helps you to improve your quality of life. At the same time, you can use the money to travel or enjoy the good things of life. Such enjoyment of traveling is an incredible source of happiness.

The joy of art is in building a community, offering livelihood to creators, and the overall experience of participating in art. Whether you are a creator or a consumer, you have endless opportunities to draw joy from art. Choose your most pleasant art and build beautiful memories around its creation or consumption.

Author Bio: Anna Johnson is a freelance writer at specializing in college experience, entrepreneurship, and freelancing. Having worked in these areas, she gives practical and actionable tips. Her joy is to see students create the best college experience and make maximum use of their youthful years.


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