Surrealism is back. There’s been a marked resurgence of it in the art world over the last few years, and the reasons why seem abundantly clear. It feels like we’re all walking around in a dream-like state, scrolling through our feeds with little acknowledgment of the physical world that surrounds us. What’s real? What’s a figment of our imagination? Surrealist artists have been asking these questions for 100 years.
IMAGINE! 100 Years of International Surrealism is a touring exhibition that explores dream states, the subconscious, and the unknown, featuring Surrealist works from great names like Max Ernst, Salvador Dalí, Joan Miró, and many more.
An exhibit you could get lost in…
Like a trance, the show takes you from room to room, exploring the main themes of Surrealist paintings: labyrinth, night, forest, mental landscapes, metamorphoses and myths, chimeras, and dreams and nightmares. The exhibit also explores the timeline of Surrealism’s formation and evolution as it morphed into other movements.
There’s an impressive amount of Surrealist objects on view: found objects, collages of parts that coalesce into nightmares—all of it adding up to rooms of visual mysteries with dark overtones. All of your favorites are here: Paul Delvaux, Dorothea Tanning, Man Ray, Leonor Fini, Marcel Duchamp, and even Jackson Pollack.
Don’t miss this show!
Exhibit schedule:
Fundación Mapfré Madrid, February 4 through May 11, 2025
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Fall 2025 through Spring 2026