Artexpo New York 2021, taking place October 28-31, will feature hundreds of talented artists and galleries from around the world. The event, held at Pier 36, is bringing back its popular Spotlight Artist program this year, awarding six cutting-edge artists for their skills and achievements.

Meet New York photographer and Artexpo New York Spotlight Artist James Venuti.

Q: Introduce yourself — who you are and what you do?

A: My name is James Venuti, I am a 42-year-old native New Yorker specializing in architectural & landscape photography, painting, and woodworking.

Q: What is your background?

A: My love of history & architecture is in a way what led me to photography. I started by taking photographs in the cities I traveled to and really fell in love with the endless perspectives and lighting possibilities you can find behind the lens of a camera. 

Woodworking is something I have been passionate about since I was a child and making frames for my photographs has helped me find a way to channel my creativity and continue to learn and challenge myself with new ideas and techniques.  

Q: How do you work?

A: Most of my photography takes place late at night or early in the morning, sunrise being my favorite time to shoot. For my frame making, I look through my photos and see if any ideas come to mind, once something jumps out at me I start drawing up plans in my notebook. From there things start to take shape over the coming days and weeks and I usually do most of my work while listening to old movies and television shows playing in the background, Frasier being my favorite.  

Q: What art do you most identify with?

The art I identify most with would have to be mixed media, I could never narrow it down any further. The final piece that I complete is a combination of photography, drawing, woodworking, painting, resin art, leaf art and anything else that I feel will give the piece the unique look I see in my imagination.

Q: What artist(s) inspires you?

A: There are so many artists I find inspiration in, Trey Ratcliff, Gustave Eiffel, Frederick Law Olmsted and of course Ansel Adams to name a few.

Q: What is the best advice you’ve received?

A: The best advice I have received is to never give up, never change what you are doing to try and appeal to more people. To do what you are passionate about and follow what speaks to your soul, to create things that challenge you so when you’re finished you can stand back and be proud of what you have accomplished, and then try to outdo yourself on the next project. 

Q: When you are not working, where can we find you?

A: When I am not busy creating frames or working my day job, I like to travel or spend time with my family and friends. If I’m not out shooting the Brooklyn Bridge a night in with a good movie and some pizza is the perfect night for me.

Q: What does exhibiting at Artexpo New York 2021 mean to you?

A: Exhibiting at Artexpo New York 2021 means a lot to me, it has been almost two years since my last exhibit and I am excited to get back out there and showcase my work. It has been a long year and a half for everyone and I hope things can feel like they are somewhat back to normal, in any case it will be great to meet new people, collectors, trades people and fellow artists along with catching up with some friends I haven’t seen in a long time.

Don’t miss James Venuti at Artexpo New York 2021. Booth #S701.

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