Meet Jewell Edward Cundiff, a Redwood Art Group artist who recently exhibited at Artexpo New York 2022.

Q: Who are you and what do you do?

A: Jewell Edward Cundiff, architect, retired, widowed in May of this year after 45 years of marriage. Currently building a business aimed at producing and selling my original art.

Anomaly by Jewell Edward Cundiff

Q: What is your background?

A: Art and music in high school, B.S. Degree in Commercial Art, 1968, Central Missouri State University, U.S. Navy from 1968 to 1972, Senior Architectural Associate at University of Missouri Design Services in 1985, residential design until a family health issue forced me to close my private practice about two years ago. I have been producing art for our homes since 1977 and painting since high school.

Q: How do you work?

A: It is a voluntary effort to satisfy an involuntary urge.

Q: What art do you most identify with?

A: Abstract expressionism.

Q: What has been your favorite experience so far as an artist?

A: To capture, to entertain, to supersede one’s conscious presence with new information in a total departure from their accustomed rhythms. 

Q: Who inspires you?

A: Jackson Pollock, Franz Kline, Robert Motherwell, a blank canvas…

Acute Attraction by Jewell Edward Cundiff

Q: What is the best advice you have received?

A: “Paint in the studio every day” (Douglas Freed), “You are better than he is;  you just need more exposure but you are headed in the right direction” (Dr. James Fairlamb, cardiologist), “your painting is worth more than that,” upon hearing what I sold my last painting for (Chris Greyvenstein, Art Auctioneer, Park West).

Q: When you are now working, where can we find you?

A: Taking care of business, house, and Nikki (pet Schnauzer).  I am taking my great-nephew to the “Van Gogh, St. Louis” next week and to the new wing of the St. Louis Art Museum.  Love to visit the Block Addition to the Nelson Adkins Art Museum in Kansas City and the Daum Museum in Sedalia, like my art, are Totally unexpected!

Q: How has your career as an artist shifted during the past year?

A: My “Coming Out.” I could not previously throw everything I have into Art.  Although I did approach the design of residential architecture as an art, like a Sculpture for people to live in.

My wife passed away in May of last year at which time I began the pursuit of Art full time.  I have received a “Finalist Award” from Artavita (in 100 selected from 609 entries), offers to show in various publications including Spotlight Magazine, Guto Ajay Culture, Madrid, and invited to show again in M.A.D.S. Galleries, PAKS Gallery in three galleries, Vienna, Munich, and Castle Heiden Reichstein, Monat Gallery for the Luxembourg International Art Fair. Received invites from galleries in Paris, Barcelona, Manhattan, Milan, and Madrid that I did not keep the contact info on or feel confident in investment costs involved at this time.

I have joined the local Columbia Art League and am exhibiting 13 works in two public locations for the walk-up exposure, and will be entering two juried shows, and delivering paintings for the first this Thursday. 

Q: How long have you been painting/drawing?

A: Forever.

Q: Do you have a list of your collectors?

A: Not yet!

Splendid Metaphor by Jewell Edward Cundiff

Q: How large are your pieces?

A: The largest I have done was 18 feet long x 54” high. It is gone. I have one hanging in a business on approval 60” x 96” and one in my home/studio 72” x 96.” Currently, I have one in the living room 60” x 192” (four panels)

Q: How many pieces have you sold?

A: 3. One 24” x 16” at $175 each. One 60” x 48” at $750 and one 60” x 44” at $2,500.

Q: What mediums are used? Canvas, archival paper, oil, acrylic, etc.?

A: Canvas, watercolor paper, foam core, oil (just finished 48” x 60” oil), acrylic, latex house paint, India ink.

Jewell Edward Cundiff’s work can be seen and collected on Redwood Art Group’s Online Art Marketplace here.


  • Posted March 3, 2024 6:41 pm
    by Susan Ainsworth

    Ed Cundiff, I enjoyed reading thus article and congratulate you on your successful career! My cousin, Mary Ann (Putnam) Kemmling and I were reminiscing about your parents, your mother’s amazing musical talent, and her father’s close friendship with your father. Memories of Boonville echo in our hearts, and at Christmas I have stored in my memory two songs your mother wrote. “Bless Your Hearts This Christmas Season,” and “I’d Get a Lift.” Maybe you’ll see this, maybe not, but happy to see that you were blessed with talent and opportunity to use it! Sudan (Schaumburg) Ainsworth

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